miércoles, 6 de enero de 2016

Jamaicanos en Cuba
Buenas tardes Richard,
Mi hija me comentó que usted tiene un Blog en Internet sobre la presencia Jamaicana en Cuba y me resultó interesante la idea.
Yo tengo 70 años y soy hija de padres Jamaicanos pero realmente no he tenido mucho vínculo con otros descendientes por lo q que espero mediante su página familiarizarme más con estos temas.
En espera de su orientación sobre las informaciones que puedo obtener mediante su blog le saluda :
Glendora Isabel Wray Campbell.

familiares en jamiaca

Lesnier Ortiz
6 January 2016 at 09:14
To: Richardsrichards.joseloy@gmail.com
hello am Cuban and Jamaican descent, my great-grandparents were from the bay jamaica anatomi, anderson Helps shots and my grandmother Isabel Lucas are interested in finding birth certificates and a family member is nombranban, if you could help please answer the mail. Cheers

20 December 2015 at 14:14
To: josrichards@ymail.com, Richardsrichards.joseloy@gmail.com, joserr@enet.cu
Hi Mr. Jose,

How are you? I read your commentary on life in  Cuba and felt compelled to contact you regarding my paternal grandmother, a Black woman from St. Catherine named Indiana Graham-Harrison, her son David Harrison, and my step grandfather (don’t know his name) who lived in Cuba round about 1910 to 1930ish. This timeframe is a guess based on my father’s birth date in Jamaica (he wasn’t registered) and approximate age when he returned to Jamaica. As a baby/toddler, he traveled on his mother’s passport to Cuba with her husband, a Mr. Harrison.

While I am not sure if they settled in this Banes area that you speak so richly of, I am praying that they did and hope that you can make some enquires for me to see if anyone remembers them. I recall that my grandmother (Indiana) told me that she even had a court case that she won. As a young child, I don’t recall the details.

My maternal grandmother also lived in Cuba for a while. Her name was Ellen Lipscombe-Perry and at least one of her daughters was born in Cuba, Estella Perry. Are you in a position to assist me in any way to trace my roots in Cuba?

Hoping to hear from you at your earliest. May I take this opportunity to wish you all that’s best for Christmas and the New Year.

(named after my grandmother Miss Graham

Para Richards

Carlos M. Isidoria Wuitar
5 November 2015 at 11:25
To: richardsrichards.joseloy@gmail.com
Estimado colega, que Dios lo bendiga, pues en primer lugar es un placer haber contactado con Ud para comunicarle que soy profesor de atletismo en la Universidad de Sancti Spiritus de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Cultura Física y Deportes. Mi nombre es Carlos Manuel Isidoria Wuitar. Yo le doy gracias Dios porque en estos dias estuve un encuentro con un primo mio y me facilitó un pasaporte de mi abuelo por parte de madre, de origen jamaicano del año 1919. Mi abuelo se llamaba Rodney Witter o Godney Witter. Yo tengo el pasaporte de mi abuelo, por cierto un poco deteriorado, pero se puede observar claramente su firma, la firma del Governador de Jamaica, la firma del Acting Colonial Secretary y la del Señor de entonces Sir Leslie Probyn. Mi mayor satisfacción es encontrar familiares que haya dejado mi abuelo en Jamaica para poder tener contacto con ellos y desear verlos algun dia, o por lo menos contactar.
Mi querido Richards de poder ayudarme, le agradeceria mucho. Espero tener contacto con Ud.

My Cuban roots

kirk Fletcher
26 April 2015 at 08:34
To: richardsrichards.joseloy@gmail.com
Hello, my name is Kirk Fletcher. I was happy to read the article you have published on the web about the Jamaicans in Cuba over a century ago. I was told that my great grandfather was from Santiago de Cuba. I am determine to find my remaining and extended family in Cuba. Life has a way of fixing our destiny, my wife is Cuban from Sauga de Tanamo, Holguin . I always feel connected to Cuba, now I am thinking about buying a house there. Please reply. 
Thank you ,
Kirk Fletcher
Help from Jamaican descendent in Cuba

Eduardo Freyre
5 February 2015 at 08:38
To: richardsrichards.joseloy@gmail.com
Hello Mr. Richards,

I came across your blog today, and was very delighted to get
information about my parents in Jamaica, and meet then. I was hoping
you could possibly furnish any information you might be able to find.

I m Cuban descent from Jamaica.  My great mother was Henry Christinana
Scott (Christiana Henry, married name), born in April 28 1904 and died
in August 18 1963, my grandfather was Rodolfo Henry died in March 2


Christiana Henry


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